Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Information is not knowledge - Albert Einstein

Now when I passed through this famous quote by Albert Einstein (who?) - German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity, I was much aghast (why?) I want to get more deeper into the quote. As to what has been said has a more deeper roots then what we analyse in common parlance.

Tried a bit researching on "Knowledge Management" and posed a question before myself. Do I really have knowledge about the subjects or things for which I claim to have sufficient information? My self answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ both. Yes because I have studied about a particular subject; No because I don’t have a deeper understanding of that subject.

Then what exactly is this "Knowledge Management". Lets find out: Developing a ContextThe data can be viewed as an abundant, vital and necessary resource. With enough preparation, and by utilizing new ways we can channel raw data into meaningful information. That information, in turn, can then become the knowledge that leads to wisdom ( quote by Les Alberthal)

Before attempting to address the question of knowledge management, it's probably appropriate to develop some perspective regarding this stuff called knowledge, which there seems to be such a desire to manage. Consider this observation made by Neil Fleming as a basis for thought relating to the following diagram.
(A collection of data is not information. A collection of information is not knowledge. A collection of knowledge is not wisdom. A collection of wisdom is not truth.)

The idea is that information, knowledge, and wisdom are more than simply collections. Rather, the whole represents more than the sum of its parts and has a synergy of its own.

We begin with data, which is just a meaningless point in space and time, without reference to either space or time. It is like an event out of context, a letter out of context, a word out of context. The key concept here being "out of context." And, since it is out of context, it is without a meaningful relation to anything else. When we encounter a piece of data, if it gets our attention at all, our first action is usually to attempt to find a way to attribute meaning to it. We do this by associating it with other things. For example, If we see a single word, such as "time," there is a tendency to immediately form associations with previous contexts within which I have found "time" to be meaningful. This might be, "being on time," "a stitch in time saves nine," "time never stops," etc. The implication here is that when there is no context, there is little or no meaning. So, we create context but, more often than not, that context is somewhat akin to conjecture, yet it fabricates meaning.

That a collection of data is not information, as Neil indicated, implies that a collection of data for which there is no relation between the pieces of data is not information. The pieces of data may represent information, yet whether or not it is information depends on the understanding of the one perceiving the data.

Thus information is quite simply an understanding of the relationships between pieces of data, or between pieces of data and other information.

While information entails an understanding of the relations between data, it generally does not provide a foundation for why the data is what it is, nor an indication as to how the data is likely to change over time. Information has a tendency to be relatively static in time and linear in nature. Information is a relationship between data and, quite simply, is what it is, with great dependence on context for its meaning and with little implication for the future.

This example uses a bank savings account to show how data, information, knowledge, and wisdom relate to principal, interest rate, and interest.Data: The numbers 100 or 5%, completely out of context, are just pieces of data. Interest, principal, and interest rate, out of context, are not much more than data as each has multiple meanings which are context dependent.

Information: If one establish a bank savings account as the basis for context, then interest, principal, and interest rate become meaningful in that context with specific interpretations.Principal is the amount of money, $100, in the savings account. Interest rate, 5%, is the factor used by the bank to compute interest on the principal.

Knowledge: If then you put $100 in savings account, and the bank pays 5% interest yearly, then at the end of one year the bank will compute the interest of $5 and add it to the principal and account will have $105 in the bank. This pattern represents knowledge, which, when I understand it, allows me to understand how the pattern will evolve over time and the results it will produce. In understanding the pattern, I know, and what I know is knowledge. If I deposit more money in my account, I will earn more interest, while if I withdraw money from my account, I will earn less interest.

Wisdom: The principle is that any action which produces a result which encourages more of the same action produces an emergent characteristic called growth. And, nothing grows forever for sooner or later growth runs into limits.If one studied all the individual components of this pattern, which represents knowledge, they would never discover the emergent characteristic of growth. Only when the pattern connects, interacts, and evolves over time, does the principle exhibit the characteristic of growth.Now, if this knowledge is valid, why doesn't everyone simply become rich by putting money in a savings account and letting it grow? The answer has to do with the fact that the pattern described above is only a small part of a more elaborate pattern which operates over time. People don't get rich because they either don't put money in a savings account in the first place, or when they do, in time, they find things they need or want more than being rich, so they withdraw money. Withdrawing money depletes the principal and subsequently the interest they earn on that principal. Getting into this any deeper is more of a systems thinking exercise than is appropriate to pursue here.

A Continuum : Note that the sequence data -> information -> knowledge -> wisdom represents an emergent continuum. That is, although data is a discrete entity, the progression to information, to knowledge, and finally to wisdom does not occur in discrete stages of development. One progresses along the continuum as one's understanding develops. Everything is relative, and one can have partial understanding of the relations that represent information, partial understanding of the patterns that represent knowledge, and partial understanding of the principles which are the foundation of wisdom. As the partial understanding stage.

Extending the Concept: We learn by connecting new information to patterns that we already understand.

Knowledge Management: Knowledge management should simply be one of many cooperating means to an end, not the end in itself, unless your job turns out to be corporate knowledge management director or chief knowledge officer.

According to Mike Davidson, what's really important is:Mission: What are we trying to accomplish? Competition: How do we gain a competitive edge? Performance: How do we deliver the results? Change: How do we cope with change? As such, knowledge management, and everything else for that matter, is important only to the extent that it enhances an organization's ability and capacity to deal with, and develop in, these four dimensions.

The Value of Knowledge Management : In an organizational context, data represents facts or values of results, and relations between data and other relations have the capacity to represent information. Patterns of relations of data and information and other patterns have the capacity to represent knowledge. For the representation to be of any utility it must be understood, and when understood the representation is information or knowledge to the one that understands. Yet, what is the real value of information and knowledge, and what does it mean to manage it?Without associations we have little chance of understanding anything.

The value of Knowledge Management relates directly to the effectiveness with which the managed knowledge enables the members of the organization to deal with today's situations and effectively envision and create their future. Without on-demand access to managed knowledge, every situation is addressed based on what the individual or group brings to the situation with them.

If you feel what has been said above does or doesn’t make sense, please do revert through this post or my personal email ID vandanakandari@yahoo.com

(Vandana Kandari )
Reference for the quotes and content taken from
Alberthal, Les. Remarks to the Financial Executives Institute, October 23, 1995, Dallas, TX
Bateson, Gregory. Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity, Bantam, 1988
Davidson, Mike. The Transformation of Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.
Fleming, Neil. Coping with a Revolution: Will the Internet Change Learning?, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand
Senge, Peter. The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization, Doubleday-Currency, 1990.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Five Habits of Highly Effective Conflict Resolvers

Hi friends, In my previous blogs I tried to wrote a bit about "Workplace Communication" mainly to deal with Workplace Conflicts. In my current blog, I had tried to deal with Habits of Effective Conflict Resolvers, imbibing such habits might reduce the Conflicting situations in workplaces. Learn and apply these five highly effective habits of really excellent conflict resolvers, following along the Steven Covey theme about highly effective people. Particularly relevant to managers, supervisors and workplace conflict.Steven Covey had the right idea. There are discreet skills and attitudes, habits if you will, that can elevate your conflict practice to a new level.

This article shares a selection of habits and attitudesthat can transform a good conflict resolver into a highly effective one. By that I mean someone who facilitates productive, meaningful discussion between others that results in deeper self-awareness, mutual understanding and workable solutions.I have used the term `conflict resolver' intentionally to reinforce the idea that human resource professionals and managers are instrumental in ending disputes, regardless of whether they are alsomediators. These conflict management techniques are life skills that are useful in whatever setting you find yourself. With these skills, you can create environments that are respectful, collaborative andconducive to problem-solving. And, you'll teach your employees to be proactive, by modeling successful conflict management behaviors.

1. UNDERSTAND THE EMPLOYEE'S NEEDS : Since you're the `go to person' in your organization, it's natural for you to jump right in to handle conflict. When an employee visits you to discuss a personality conflict, you assess a situation, determine the next steps and proceed until the problem is solved. But is that helpful? When you take charge, the employee is relieved of his or her responsibility to find a solution. That leaves you to do the work around finding alternatives. And while you want to do what's best for this person (and the organization), it's important to ask what the
employee wants first-- whether it's to vent, brainstorm solutions or get some coaching. Understand what the person entering your door wants by asking questions:• How can I be most helpful to you?• What are you hoping I will do?• What do you see my role as in this matter?

2. ENGAGE IN COLLABORATIVE LISTENING : By now everyone has taken at least one active listening course so I won't address the basic skills. Collaborative Listening takes those attending and discerning skills one step further. It recognizes thatin listening each person has a job that supports the work of the other. The speaker's job is to clearly express his or her thoughts, feelings and goals. The listener's job is facilitating clarity; understanding and make the employee feel heard.So what's the difference?The distinction is acknowledgement. Your role is to help the employee gain a deeper understanding of her own interests and needs; to define concepts and words in a way that expresses her values (i.e. respect means something different to each one of us); and to make her feel acknowledged—someone sees things from herpoint of view.Making an acknowledgement is tricky in corporate settings. Understandably, you want to help the employee but are mindful of the issues of corporate liability. You can acknowledge the employee even while safeguarding your company.Simply put, acknowledgement does not mean agreement. It means letting the employee know that you can see how he got to his truth. It doesn't mean taking sides with the employee or abandoning your corporate responsibilities. Acknowledgement can be the bridgeacross misperceptions.
So what's Engage in Collaborative Listening by :• Help the employee to explore and be clear about his interests and goals• Acknowledge her perspective• I can see how you might see it that way.• That must be difficult for you.• I understand that you feel _______ about this.• Ask questions that probe for deeper understanding on both your parts:• When you said 'x', what did you mean by that?• If 'y' happens, what's significant about that for you?• What am I missing in understanding this from your perspective?

3. BE A GOOD TRANSMITTER : Messages transmitted from one person to the next are very powerful. Sometimes people have to hear it `from the horse's mouth'. Other times, you'll have to be the transmitter of good thoughts and feelings. Pick up those `gems', those positive messages that flow when employees feel safe and heard in mediation, andpresent them to the other employee. Your progress will improve.We're all human. You know how easy it is to hold a grudge, or assign blame. Sharing gems appropriately can help each employee begin to shift their perceptions of the situation, and more importantly, of
each other. To deliver polished gems, try to:• Act soon after hearing the gem• Paraphrase accurately so the words aren't distorted• Ask the listener if this is new information and if changes her stance• Avoid expecting the employees to visibly demonstrate a `shift in stance' it happens internally and on their timetable, not ours)

4. RECOGNIZE POWER : Power is a dominant factor in mediation that raises many questions: What is it? Who has it? How to do you balance power? Assumptions about who is the `powerful one' are easy to make and sometimes wrong. Skillful conflict resolvers recognize power dynamics in conflicts and are mindful about how to authenticallymanage them.You can recognize power by being aware that:• Power is fluid and exchangeable• Employees possess power over the content and their process (think of employees concerns as the water flowing into and being held by the container)• Resolvers possess power over the mediation
process (their knowledge, wisdom, experience, and commitment form the container)• Your roles as an HR professional and resolver will have a significant impact on power dynamics

5. BE OPTIMISTIC & RESILIENT : Agreeing to participate in mediation is an act of courage and hope. By participating, employees are conveying their belief in value of the relationship. They are also expressing their trust in you to beresponsive to and supportive of our efforts. Employees may first communicate their anger, frustration, suffering, righteousness, regret, not their best hopes.You can inspire them to continue by being optimistic:• Be positive about your experiences with mediation• Hold their best wishes and hopes for the future• Encourage them to work towards their hopes• Be Resilient. Remember the last time you were stuck in a conflict? You probably replayed the conversation in your mind over and over, thinking about different endings and scolding yourself. Employees get stuck, too.In fact, employees can become so worn down and apathetic about their conflict, especially a long-standing dispute; they'd do anything to end it. Yes, even agree with each other prematurely. Don't let them settle. Mediation is about each employee getting their interest met.

Be resilient:• Be prepared to move yourself and the employees though productive and less productive cycles of the mediation• Help the employees see their movement and progress • Be mindful and appreciative of the hard work you all are doing.

Enjoy Reading!

Vandana Kandari
(Excerpts of topic taken from Dian Beach Lynch, Esq article)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Isn't what Kenneth Blanchard & Spenser Johnson had tried to recommend - Goal Setting, Praising, Reprimand - all within one minute is what we need to do to actually build up an efficient organisation. Perhaps 'YES' it is very important that the Goal setting objective if achieved/non achieved must be praised/reprimand. Here is a complete e-book on for all of you who want to be "THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER"

Enjoy Reading!


Vandana Kandari

Monday, April 5, 2010

Minimum Wages in Delhi increased by 33%

Finally good news for the Member Workers! Though I am late in publishing same, as this was made applicable far 01st Feb'2010, but then as the saying goes "Better late than never", so here it is.

The Delhi Cabinet has approved the increase of minimum wages in delhi by 33%. According to the New wages in Delhi an unskilled worker will now get Rs 5,272 per month, a semi-skilled workers will get Rs 5,850 per month and skilled workers will be getting Rs 6,448 per month.

Daily wages in Delhi have also been increased for clerical and non-technical staff. In case of workers who are graduates and above, wages per month is Rs 7,020 which means Rs 270 per day. According to the New wages, minimum wages for unskilled labour is Rs 203 per day. For semi-skilled workers Rs 225 per day and for skilled workers Rs 248 per day.

The new wages in New Delhi will be effective from 1st February, 2010. Minimum wages in Delhi are now the highest in India.

For information regarding the minimum wages in Other States please refer to website


Employers/Workers may confirm rates from Website of labour Department http://www.labour.delhi.govt.nic.in/

Cheer up Members!

Vandana Kandari

(Excerpts taken from www.delhigovt.nic.in and www.phdcci.in)